It's said that there are two types of homes in South Florida, those that have termites and those that will. Don't wait for a swarm of destructive termites to sweep through your neighborhood, and target your home as their next food source!
Florida's Termite Threats
-West Indian Drywood Termite (Cryptotermes brevis)
-Eastern Subterranean Termite (Reticulitermes flavipes)
-Formosan Subterranean Termite (Copotermes formosanus) Most severe subterranean termite in Florida and across the world
-Asian Subterranean Termite (Copotermes gestroi)
How do I know if I have Termites?
-Alates/Swarmers : whom will leave visible wings (on floor, windowsill, etc.)
-Damaged wood : Wood that doesn't maintain structure when pressure is applied / inside of wood will be visibly damaged
-Blistering : Blistering in wood can indicate activity
-Mud Tubes : Mud tubes are great indicators of Subterranean termite activity
-Frass : Drywood Termite droppings. Closely resembles coffee grounds, but can vary in color
Appropriate Treatment
Treatment for these pests can vary from liquid treatments, perimeter underground stations, tent fumigation and more!
Contact us today to get more information!